Tuesday, 6 November 2012

She's Testing Action Office & Screen Wipes

My computer screen is almost always dirty. Which is quite illogical, because it isn't a touchscreen. So why do I touch it?! No idea. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it, and has lots of fingerprints on their computer screen. So when I came across these office & screen wipes from the Action, I decided to try them out.  

Here's my dirty computer. As you can see there are a lot of spots on the screen.

Then I took a cleansing wipe. The are pretty thin and dryer than I thought, so I immediately doubted the working of them.  According to the information on the package, they don't contain oil or wax. They do contain Water Reverse Osmosis (responsible for removing the spots) and Alcohol. When I cleaned my screen, my first thought was that they even made it worse, because of the stripes they left behind. But as they dried (which was quite fast) the stripes went away, and took the fingerprints with them. Hallelujah!

See! Here's my screen fully cleaned, except for the left angle above, which I forgot. But no spots! I decided to try them on my mirrors and that also worked. So yeah, these babies know how to clean!

Office & Screen Wipes, Action 0,69 euro, 40 pieces.


  1. Leuk, een keer non-beauty van de action!

  2. leuk! ik werk bij de action maar durfde ze nooit te halen omdat straks me laptop kapot gaat! haha nu ben ik wel overtuigd

    1. Ik snap je gedachte! Ben erg zelf ook erg voorzichtig mee, maar deze doekjes schuren niet :)

  3. Mijn computerscherm is ook altijd vies, ik ben zo lui haha! Ziet er heel erg goed uit, die wil ik wel kopen :D

  4. Haha. Nice post! :)
    You have quite an interesting blog.


  5. Handig! Een keertje kopen wanneer ik naar de Action ga (:

  6. Lijken me handige doekjes! x
