Een vers stokbrood is heerlijk, een stokbrood van een dag oud is nauwelijks weg te kauwen. Bij ons in huis blijft er altijd wel stokbrood over, en vaak wordt het maar weggegooid omdat niemand zin heeft om zijn of haar tanden erop te breken. Zonde! Want behalve de eendjes voeren, kun je er ook prima een hartige taart van maken. Hoe? Lees snel verder!
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
She's going Nederlands/Dutch
Dear readers,
I think you've all noticed that I didn't post anything recently. That's because I was thinking. A lot. I had this huuuge dilemma, you see. I wanted to blog in English, because I think that English is a much more beautiful language than Dutch. But, there's one thing. Youtube videos. I know I've only made three videos so far, but I've got many ideas and I keep thinking: 'I can't put Dutch vid's on my English blog'. And to me, that's a huge obstacle. Talking English in my videos isn't an option, because that will just sound plain awful. Also, 65% of my readers are Dutch. This is really a hard thing for me to do, because I will loose some dear readers of mine. I'm so sorry.
Lots of love and thank you so much for visiting my blog,
Lieve lezers,
Ik denk dat jullie allemaal wel gemerkt hebben dat ik de laatste tijd niets gepost heb. Dit was omdat ik ontzettend lang en ontzettend veel na heb moeten denken; namelijk over de richting die ik op wil met mijn blog. Ik wilde in het Engels bloggen omdat dit nu eenmaal naar mijn mening een veel mooiere taal is, maar helaas kan en wil ik geen Youtube filmpjes in het Engels opnemen. En een Engelse blog met Nederlandse filmpjes? Ik vind dat persoonlijk geen optie. Het is echt een erg moeilijke beslissing voor me, omdat ik 35% van mijn lezers zal gaan verliezen. Helaas. Nu hoop ik ook dat er misschien mensen blij zullen gaan zijn dat ik heb besloten om in het Nederlands te gaan bloggen, aangezien dit nu eenmaal veel sneller wegleest, wanneer je zelf Nederlands/Vlaams bent. Ik vind het nog steeds ongelooflijk dat zo ontzettend veel Nederlanders en Vlamingen mijn Engelse blog bezochten.
Het is echt een punt van rust voor me, nu ik eindelijk de welbekende knoop heb doorgehakt. Mijn motivatie is volledig terug, en ik zal weer gaan proberen net zoveel te bloggen als voorheen. Nog een klein voordeel is dat het veel makkelijker en sneller voor me is om een blogpost te typen in het Nederlands, dan in het Engels. Sorry voor het feit dat het maken van deze beslissing zo lang heeft moeten duren, maar ik hoop het volledig goed te gaan maken.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
She Likes This Youtuber: Zoella280390
Hey there! So I decided to show you my favorite Youtubers every once in a while. I really spend a lot of time on Youtube - maybe too much - and Zoe is one of those girls who always seem to be smiling. You might know her now because she did the "Would You Rather" tag with Tanya Burr (Pixi2Woo), but really, that isn't one of her best video's. I actually like her the most when she's with her brother, Joseph, who she calls Joe. Meet Zoe!
Favorite Youtubers,
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Why I Hate Fifty Shades Of Grey
Warning! Contains rude content. So if you're a really young or really sensitive person, I suggest you don't read this.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
She's DIY-ing: Always-Late-Clock
If my friends had to name one bad trait of me, it would be the she-is-always-late-thing. Because I almost always am. I know it's such a bad habit and I have to change it, but you know what they say about that; never change an old habit. Which doesn't make any sense in this case. Anyways, I wanted to make a personal clock, I wanted it to express my bad relationship with time. It was really easy and all together it costed me like eight euro's. Unless you're running late right at this moment, take your time to see how I've made it!
Friday, 9 November 2012
She's Making A Fishtail Braid
Ik heb een filmpje in het Nederlands opgenomen, over hoe je een vissengraatvlecht maakt. Ik blijf gewoon blog posts schrijven in het Engels, maar aangezien ik filmpjes maken ook erg leuk vind, moet ik een manier gaan bedenken hoe ik dit kan gaan combineren.
Vergeet niet om te kijken in 1080 HD!
I decided to do a little tutorial in Dutch, on how to make a fishtail Braid. Of course I will continue writing posts in English, so I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with this in the future. Anyway, I will figure it out. :)
Enjoy/Veel Plezier!
Fishtail Braid,
Thursday, 8 November 2012
She's SpectaculART!
SpectaculART is the new November limited edition from Catrice. It has been a while since I bought something from Catrice's limited editions, since I didn't feel like anything was spectacular (what's in the name?) enough. But these eyeshadows immediately draw my attention, and before I knew it I was happily going home with them, along with two other products from the collection. Take a look for the swatches!
Limited Edition,
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
She Got A Tattoo! + Give Away!
I decided to do my first Give Away, because.. Well, no reason. So, did I trick you with my tattoo? It's actually a fake one, from A while ago I saw them on Cynthia's blog, and I immediately knew I had to have them. I really like tattoos, and I'm spending hours on WeHeartIt or Tumblr, searching for gorgeous pics. The reason I don't have a tattoo is quite simple; I don't know what I want! I feel like one day you just know what you want your tattoo to say, or in case of an image; what it will be. And, of course, where I want to put it. I placed this one on my forearm for example, but I like feet, shoulders and ribs also. This site was really a solution for me, they've got many great designs and it's very inexpensive! Read further for my experience with Tattly, and how you can win two tattoo's yourself!
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
She's Testing Action Office & Screen Wipes
My computer screen is almost always dirty. Which is quite illogical, because it isn't a touchscreen. So why do I touch it?! No idea. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it, and has lots of fingerprints on their computer screen. So when I came across these office & screen wipes from the Action, I decided to try them out.
Here's my dirty computer. As you can see there are a lot of spots on the screen.
Then I took a cleansing wipe. The are pretty thin and dryer than I thought, so I immediately doubted the working of them. According to the information on the package, they don't contain oil or wax. They do contain Water Reverse Osmosis (responsible for removing the spots) and Alcohol. When I cleaned my screen, my first thought was that they even made it worse, because of the stripes they left behind. But as they dried (which was quite fast) the stripes went away, and took the fingerprints with them. Hallelujah!
See! Here's my screen fully cleaned, except for the left angle above, which I forgot. But no spots! I decided to try them on my mirrors and that also worked. So yeah, these babies know how to clean!
Office & Screen Wipes, Action 0,69 euro, 40 pieces.
Cleansing Wipes,
Monday, 5 November 2012
She Got Tagged
Sometimes, I have a bad case of Morning-After-Hangover. No, I don't mean waking up with a huge pounding in my head, vomit all over the place and a craving for water like a lost man in the desert (I prefer orange juice) but the fact that if something seemed to be a good idea one day, it doesn't mean it's still a good idea on the next one. Now I could take on heavy subjects that are live-changing, like whether to apply or not for a job, deciding to move to a different country or choosing between pizza and fries for dinner, but I won't. I'm talking about a Facebook-Hangover.
Last thursdaynight I went out with some friends, and as always we lost each other somewhere between dancing the Macarena on the tables and the half-hourly toilet visits (although I don't know why we even bother to look into the mirror anymore, everyone's hair looks crappy after dancing to Gagnam Style). So I bumped into these two guys and we danced and talked a little, while I was searching for my friends. And then it happened. We ran out of subjects to talk about, and while I was looking into the mirrors above us (why would anyone look up when they're dancing? Is there anyone who wants to know how they look from above? 'Hey God, how does dancing to Gagnam Style actually look from up there?') I GOT A BAD IDEA.
"Do you know what I hate the most?"
"Let's make a picture of us doing a duckface."
"Eh, okay. Let me grab my phone."
"What's your name again?"
"Thanks. I'm going to tag you and put it on Facebook. And we're going home now, I've got a exam tomorrow. Well, in three hours, exactly."
"Really? And you went out? Good luck with that! Bye!"
The next morning, while eating ham and cheese toast and checking my phone:
'You've Been Tagged!'
Oh, crap.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
She's Making A Dessert
Sunday, lazy suuunday. And what goes better with days like this than chocolate? I found this super-easy-Kinder-sort-of-icecream-recipe and I wanted to try it out. If you're a chocolate lover like me, check it out!
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
She Made A Wishlist
Wishlists. Wrong name, if you ask me. Actually they are To-Buy-Or-Not-To-Buy-lists, because no matter how hard you're wishing; Santa only gives presents in December, the falling stars don't care about our little 'needings' and the idea of Fairy Godmothers is just ridiculous (unless your parents called you Cinderella, then you're allowed to try). Throwing coins in a fountain might work, but you could also save that money to actually buy the things you're craving. Want to see my picks for the upcoming month November?
Monday, 29 October 2012
She's Taking Pictures (Photo Diary II)
Monday morning, we meet again. When I wake up on monday mornings I just like to think about the beautiful quote in the picture above and pretend that I'm living in a country in which actually are any hills. Because dealing with the real life can be quite hard sometimes; a whole new work/school week to live through. Anyways, I wanted to show you what I did the past two weeks. It wasn't that much because of the exams I had, so I've planned some pretty cool stuff for the upcoming two weeks. Enjoy!
Friday, 26 October 2012
She's Got Nominated
I got nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! This award is meant to support other bloggers; you're letting them know that you like to read their blogs. Jeany has nominated me!
First of all, there are a few rules:
- You must tell 11 random things about yourself;
- You must answer the 11 questions the nominator came up with;
- And also make 11 new questions for the people you are going to nominate;
- These bloggers have to have less than 200 followers;
- You have to let them know they are nominated by you;
- You can't be nominated back by them.
So let's start!
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
She's Got Stitches
Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday, and I also guess I won't be tomorrow, because the exams are really absorbing all of my time. After it I'll be back on track :) I used Essie's Recessionista and Catrice's Into The Bronx and a black nail polish (anyone will do) to make the stitches, since Halloween is almost there. I did it only on my middle finger and pink, because it wasn't as easy as I thought and I messed up my thumb. I applied only one layer of Recessionista by the way, it is that good. Have a nice day!
Monday, 22 October 2012
She Reads The Thought Catalog
A few months ago I discovered the Thought Catalog, on Jade's blog. Although I like many articles on it, this is the one I loved the most. It is beautifully written. And so freakin', god damn true. I must confess; I'm a book geek. I happen to read a lot, and most of the time short stories aren't doing it for me, because I want to know the characters and stuff, the dept short stories most of the time lack. But this isn't about some character, it's about a real character. You. Me. Us.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
She Spotted: New HEMA Make-Up
Yesterday, I spotted the new assortment of HEMA make-up at our local HEMA store. Finally! I'm sorry the quality of the pictures isn't very good; blame the awful light in this shop! As you can see there are loads of new nail polishes, a new golden mascara (fancy!), lip balm sticks, and some things that I've seen before but only were in the assortment during Christmas.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
This Is Why People Are Staring At You
Train station. Early morning. Your cheeks are burning. You're trying to dig your head into the bordeaux red scarf you are wearing, until only your hairline is visible anymore. Wishing you checked yourself twice in the mirror before leaving your house in a hurry, your feet are suddenly becoming very interesting. Your mind is spinning. What. The. Hell is going on? Is my hair doing something weird today? Slowly, you raise your hand and try to smoothen it down. More heads are turning. They're not smiling, only looking at you with eyes that are checking your every move. Hurry up legs, move faster. You look up to see you almost made it into your train. Just a few more steps on your new high hee.. "Mommy! Why is that girl hugging the ground?"
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
She sees scarfs, hot chocolate and.. Kenzo!
We all know this sweater, right? I think it's save to say that this is thé musthave for fall 2012. They are everywhere! Here are some Kenzo inspiration pics, the Spring collection and things you need to know about this brand to be up-to-date!
Animal prints,
Carol Lim,
Fall 2012,
Humberto Leon,
Spring 2013
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
OOTD: October
Morning sunshines! I filmed my outfit of the day, on a not so sunny day, and I really hope you like it! Don't forget to watch in 1080HD :)
Monday, 15 October 2012
She Loves: Studio Ghibli
A few months ago, I discovered something which made me question my raising. Why didn't my parents ever tell me who Hayao Miyazaki was? How did I miss Studio Ghibli? I can vaguely remember the name "Spirited Away", but I definitely never saw it. Really, these movies are just great. No, I don't have a thing for child movies, and neither for anime. And I'm eighteen. But Studio Ghibli's movies are ageless, and made by people who have a heart for it. Sometimes they're a little bit weird (Japanese humor, you know) but above all, this movies are very endearing. Here are my favorites!
Studio Ghibli
Sunday, 14 October 2012
She Hangs Them In A Tree
This is a part of my jewelry stash, I hanged them in a tree. It was a gift; so I don't know where it came from, but I'm in love with it! This isn't my whole stash; when there are too many things hanging in it, it tends to look a little bit messy. The masks I got from a friend of mine from Barcelona. Have a nice sunday!
Saturday, 13 October 2012
She's Taking Pictures (Photo Diary)
Here's a little sneak peak for you; I finally bought a new bag where even my laptop fits in!
Click 'read more' if you want to see crappy Youtube stuff, books, food, etcetera.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
She Has Current Beauty Favourites
I decided to show you the three beauty-products I use the most lately. They're in my stash for two months or something, and I can't live without them anymore. Take a peak! ♥
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
She's hooked: Heist (Itunes #1)
Ryan Lewis
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
She's Testing Youtube Tutorials
How to curl your hair without using any heat? Youtube has the answer. Since I was born a little sceptic, I decided to try one of these tutorials out. The tutorial I picked is from Makemeupology, which has over 620.000 views at the moment. It claims loose curls in two minutes, without using any heat. Sounds awesome, right? I tested it for you!
Sunday, 7 October 2012
She's Got Stylenomics
One of the most popular colors for this season is dark green. And when I saw the new Stylenomics collection from Essie, I just knew I had to have this one. I also bought Recessionista, I'll swatch this one too, because it's also very, very pretty. The first picture was made in the sunlight, but because the weather here changes every minute, the other three aren't. There's really a difference, with sunlight you can clearly see that this nail polish is green, and without it tends to look more black. A real fall musthave, if you ask me!
PS I'm also blogging for a week now! And I'm really happy with every new view I get, it really motivates me!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
She Is Crying Over An Audition
"Oh my God, I feel so happy for her, I could almost cry! Wait.. I am crying! Look! I've got tears in my eyes!" All right, not everyone of you would actually cry, but don't we all have those little lump in our throats when someone 'who really deserves it' passes the auditions for The X Factor or Blablabla's Got Talent? I don't know if the opposite sex has it too, but I know that me and some of my friends can get a little bit emotional when it comes to auditions. But why?
Got Talent,
X Factor
Friday, 5 October 2012
She Did Some Shopping
Yesterday, after my college, I went into town with a friend. I saw an old Chinese lady standing alone in the middle of the square, feeding sea gulls. She wore an old supposed-to-be-white jacket, and she looked rather happy throwing bread at the birds. I wished that I had a good quality camera to capture that moment, but I didn't. So I'm thinking about getting a good camera now. Oh, and of course for making pictures of the stuff I bought afterwards, because I realized that I didn't want to end up in old supposed-to-be-white jackets. Click read more if you want to see what I bought!
Thursday, 4 October 2012
She Has Given Birth To A 2 Minute Hair Tutorial
Since I'm enjoying tutorials so much, I decided to make one myself. It's my first Youtube-baby, and I hope you'll handle it with care. I just wanted to show you a quick and easy hairstyle to begin with. It would mean a lot to me if you took the time to watch it :)
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
She Is Watching A God Damn Twit Cam
So, yesterday evening, when I got tons of homework and loads of stuff to do, I decided that this would be the right moment to do nothing and watch a twitcam from Niall Horan, an Irish lad who's very popular right now, because he sings in the boy-band One Direction. After a quick calculation I knew that he would online at 8pm in my country, and at 8pm exactly I sat fully dressed and with an awesome makeup look behind my computer (I knew I'd only be seeing him, and he wouldn't be seeing me, but hey, I like to look stunning on dates) and waited. Click 'Read More' for MTV's biggest disaster date. Ever.
Fifa '13,
Niall Horan,
One Direction,
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
She Has Seen Some Movies (September Edition)
One Day
One day (Who else goes immediately like "baby we'll be old.."? Damn you, Asaf Avidan) is a movie from 2011 with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. According to IMDB it's a 6.8-er, but I think that this movie deserves at least a 7.5, because it almost made me cry. Almost, because I was watching it with a friend, and I don't like to sob in front of other people. But I sure was having a hard time.
Lauging Out Loud,
One Day,
The Dark Knight Rises
Monday, 1 October 2012
She's Going To Rock That Ring
A couple of weeks ago I bought this huge-ass Gold Tone Double Rock Ring from the River Island in Amsterdam. It's really an eye catcher, and I got a lot of stares. Also it's a bit heavy, and after two days of wearing it the skin of my middle- and ring finger became a bit reddish. But I don't mind, because I feel like this shiny baby just makes my outfit more complete.
What do you think of it?
Sunday, 30 September 2012
The New Kid
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